Technical data
Ensuring the ground is capable of supporting the imposed loads through the Jackpad system is the responsibility of the client. Typically the ground bearing capacity should not be less than 130kN/m² (See Angle of Resolve). The Jackpad® system is designed to be used as a whole.
Single position Proof tested 60kN – SWL 48kN
Predominantly used to support single storey buildings, the single Jackpad system has a SWL of 48kN.
Double position Proof tested 120kN – SWL 96kN
The double Jackpad position incorporates a bridging adjuster and can support a SWL of 96kN. Typically the double adjuster would be used in single storey back to back and double storey single column positions.
Quadruple position Proof tested 182kN – SWL 146kN
The quadruple Jackpad position consists of a plate adjuster supported by four Jackpads and packers. With a SWL of 146kN, typical applications would be double storey double columns, or treble storey single columns.
Beam set up Proof tested 385kN – SWL 295kN
To support loads of up to 295kN, typically found on some larger double and treble storey building configurations, a beam is used to bridge two quadruple adjusters.